Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I don't use a travel agent

I'm always amused when I hear that statement. It's like saying I don't go to stores, grow my own vegetables and raise my own meat. Admirable, but highly unlikely.
When people say that, they usually follow up with 'I book online with...' Guess what ...(fill in the blank with your online retailer of choice) is a travel agency!

I just read a fascinating book called 'All Marketers are Liars' by Seth Godin. The concept is so simple. We buy things because of the way the lie makes us feel. We don't really need $100 sneakers, a Hyundai will get us from point A to B just as well as a Lexus, but it doesn't make us feel the same.

Online retailers have done a great job at creating their story. They appeal to the 'rugged individualism' of American consumers. We want to feel we're smarter, tougher, faster etc. than others and we can do anything! Well of course you can do anything, but how well can you do it? How much time does it take you to do it yourself?
Online retailers make you feel, you're really doing a DIY job on your vacation. You can sit and search for hours, waiting on that great deal to pounce on, learn all you can about which cruise line is right for you and happily book it yourself on .
Just like you can learn how to change the oil in your car, do your own taxes, build your own house and on and on and on; while the rest of the world uses their free time to do something they actually like doing.

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