Great Scott Getaways is a Caribbean all-inclusive and cruise travel agency based in the Atlanta area. This blog is part travel tips, sales notices and occasional randomness about family life from a mompreneur.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Not participating in the recession
Many people are still convinced nobody is traveling listening to all the doom and gloom on the news. By the highest estimates unemployment is 17% right now, that means 83% of us are still fully employed! If those that are continue to be shy about spending, hold back the economy gets worse for everyone. If those with disposable income don't travel it snowballs into layoffs at resorts, restaurants, airline cuts etc. It doesn't help. The increasing service based nature of our economy depends on the revenue to continue to employ workers who truly need their jobs. Me, included of course =)
If the price (and place) is right for you, put that deposit down and start packing! Stop all the worrying, price checking and re-researching. After all, isn't that what you're paying me for?
Many insurance policies include coverage if you need to cancel due to job loss or other work reasons. If you're still really worried, spring for cancel for any reason insurance. It will cost more, but you'll get most your money back if you decide that you just can't cruise during your favorite team's playoff game or whatever!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
TSA and Trade Shows

It's been a while since my last blog post. September was a crazy month for me! The American Society of Travel Agents Trade Show in Las Vegas took place in early September, then we were off to New York at the end.
I have never been so happy to see my own bed! I love to travel, but too much can take alot out of you. At least airport security does! Vegas was awesome! Of course I had a great time personally, but I learned so much and met so many great people that will help me serve my clients even better for the rest of this year and 2010.
One of the hot topics at the show was fees. Many of us have recently moved to fees, while others have done it for years. I reluctantly moved to this model in August when it became impossible to continue providing the same great experience for everyone with an increase in the 'shoppers and tire kickers'. I wrestled with this decision because I did not want to discourage first-time cruisers and those unfamiliar with the value of using a travel agent. The more I thought about it and researched I found that those time wasters do know the value and that's why they wanted my free information to go book online. If they knew what they were doing in the first place they'd never ask for my help. I'm talking about people that will talk for hours, call everyday for 2 weeks, then disappear or tell me they booked on Expedia to save $10. When I added up how much time I was spending on things that never materialized it was apparent that there was no way I could continue without weeding out some of those types......Oh and the worst offenders are the ones that have the nerve to come back and ask for help once they realize that $10 savings was a room with no windows (true story) or a non-refundable room that they now need to change. You may think you're saving tons of money booking online, but most of the time a vacation is a significant investment that should be carefully planned. A call center employee does not have an incentive to make sure you understand all the fine print when they'll never speak to you or see you again.
I also took a seminar on cloud computing that left my head spinning, but has started to slowly sink in. I have a new Google Voice number, 678-4KenyaS and am trying to see how Google Docs can help me as well.
I came back so motivated and have been on a roll since then.

New York is another story! That city drains me! I'm always talking about managing your expectations and making sure you're honest about what types of hotels and restaurants you enjoy. Now if someone else were asking me those questions I can firmly say I do not care for cities! Once you have seen the monuments and historical sites they all start to look the same. Restaurants the size of my closet and the cost of my mortgage do not excite me! I didn't have a choice in the hotel since it was a business trip for my husband. It is one I definitely would not have chosen for myself.
If you watched Dave Chappelle's show I feel like Vegas is that episode where he talked about what the Internet would be like if it was a real place.
On the traveling with kids front, my mom took care of my son while I was in Vegas. He did fly to NY with us. I always dread flying with him because getting through the airport is such a hassle. Then I'm on pins and needles the whole flight hoping he doesn't kick the seat the entire time and praying he goes to sleep....He never does though! For the most part he is a very good sport and a pro at flying already. He even knows the drill when we get pulled to secondary screening by TSA. Funny how that's supposed to be random but I get it about 75% of the time. The guy I sat next to on the way home said he has never had that happen. (Huge thank you to him for playing trains and coloring. He was the nicest seatmate I've ever had!!! NO evil eye from childless people for an entire flight was great) I'm starting to wonder if I share a name with someone on the watch list or something. Notice I didn't use that word, I don't want to get flagged even more! It's so bad I know the mark they put on your ticket at check-in. I want to tell the person at the counter, 'Come on, I know what that means!" If I was carrying something I'm not supposed to I'd know to get rid of it now. My husband is a G-man through and through, but they have really got to get their acts together at TSA!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Odd cruise news and passports
In July, a vehicle accident during a RCCL shore excursion sent several people to the hospital in St. Thomas. Notice in the cruise critic report at least one couple had to stay behind on the island for treatment. Why is this important? The most obvious point is of course ALWAYS GET INSURANCE. No matter your age or general health accidents are possible anywhere. Know what your policy covers, and make sure you save receipts and contact the insurer as soon as possible.
The next maybe not so obvious point is about passports. I hope you already have yours,but if not just do it! Then you'll be ready to travel whenever the mood strikes...not 6-8 weeks later once your passport arrives. The rules on passports and cruising have been so confusing in the last few years. There's passport books, passport you need one if traveling by sea and not air, blah blah, blah. Always check the current regulations with the State Department for requirements before traveling.
Although, St. Thomas is a U.S. Virgin Island, what would have happened had this couple needed to fly from a non U.S. Port...and they did not have a passport book since they were 'only going on a cruise'? It is a bit more expensive to get the book vs. the card, but it's worth it in my opinion. You never know when you'll need it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Why you should purchase travel insurance
So why is insurance so important? Check out Peter Greenberg's advice. Though the article is a couple of years old it is still relevant. Maybe even more so with the steady decline of airline service and increase of fees!
Maybe I'm extra cautious from personal experience with all types of insurance, but I always get it. (living in south Florida we had 5 car accidents in 2 years, only 1 our health insurance hates me I think) Luckily I've never had to make a travel insurance claim, but the peace of mind is definitely worth it. I have heard some horror stories from people who did.
My personal top reasons to buy travel insurance.....

Medical coverage
It's not just for old people! One couple on vacation in Greece found themselves needing emergency medical attention when the husband slipped and hit his head on a rock during a shore excursion. This will also cover you if you need assistance replacing your prescriptions, or if you personal health insurance does not cover you outside the U.S.
Lost or delayed baggage
The airlines lose an average of 10,000 bags PER DAY! Yep, not a year. It's still a small percentage of the total amount of luggage handled, but it still sucks when it's yours. What happens when your bags are delayed and you're hopping on your cruise ship in a couple of hours. Who's going to reimburse you for all the clothes you have to buy till you get back? (Well, let's hope you're not in this situation b/c you've also taken my advice to never fly in on the day of sailing, but that's another blog)
Travel Guard covers your kids free!
pretty self explanatory, you can't beat free.
Cruisers biggest fear behind 'not being able to drink all that water'. Get your money back, not just a cruise line voucher in the event your trip is canceled.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
NY Times says 'Worst Part of A Trip May Be Booking It on the Web' My thoughts exactly!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Top 10 Tips to Overcome Airline Stress
These travel cartoons pretty accurately reflect my view of air travel these days.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Twitter, Resorts and Cruises with Kids
I posted a link to a Top 10 article about traveling with kids that I found pretty useful on Twitter.
(My blog earlier this year is worth a read again on this topic. In my humble opinion of course! =) )
The summer is

In trying to find the right vacation for you, think about what your goals are. Do you want lots of togetherness with the kids because you're working so much otherwise? Are you a grandparent who relishes this time with the grands? Do you want the kids to have a structured supervised play program more like day care at home? Many places are family friendly, but cater to different ages. One resort offers a toy menu at check-in for delivery to your room, Gerber baby food so you can travel light but no structured program for kids under 4. That means you will do everything with the kids unless you switch out or bring Grandma along. Some hotels offer babysitting services for additional fees that do allow you a free night for dinner for two during your vacation. (One of the tips on the list is to split up so everyone enjoys the vacation!)
On cruises, the one that w

Friday, June 26, 2009
Traveling with the Flow
"travel" and "travail" have the same Old French root. Go with the flow and treat travel as the character-building endeavor it invariably is."
I like to check out reviews when I have free time and it seems most often complaints arise when people either don't have reasonable expectations (which I addressed in an earlier blog) or are so rigid that one little mishap snowballs into a ruined vacation. Remember that you are visiting a foreign country with different customs. That is the very reason why we are visiting them! Natural beauty combined with an unhurried pace characteristic of the Caribbean is the anecdote for our American plugged-in, fast paced routines.
If you allow it, you'll learn something. We have enjoyed so much getting to know the crew and staff of the ships and resorts we have been to. (usually more than fellow guests) I remember all of my head waiters in the dining room of cruises and of course the bartenders at resorts! Not in a patronizing way, but a genuine personal exchange. I've met someone working to ensure a better life for their children back in the Phillipines, an Ivy League hospitality trained crewmember from India and an Irish-Mexican singer moonlighting as a waiter until they moved back to Ireland with family. Tell me you can get stories like that on your average day at home. Listening to someone can put a whole new perspective on your life and opinions. I met someone in Cancun that was heartbroken over not being able to visit their children in America...put a whole new spin on the immigration issue for me. Another great quote I posted earlier is "Travel is fatal to prejudice..." When you relax you can't help but see we are all much more alike than different. And believe me, once you stop acting like a walking American wallet more than likely you'll be treated better.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
New Horizons

I'm posting early for a change instead of very late! Since it is Father's Day, I believe I'm supposed to be making breakfast or something, but I'm using the rare quiet time here to review brochures and information I picked up at the Latin America Virtual Trade Show. I

I don't think I'll be visiting the Amazon anytime soon, but definitely some of the other sights. Look for website updates as I hightlight the different tour options offered.
Now that the boys are up let me go do something that doesn't look like work...Well I guess I can make this sort of Father's Day related since I'll be posting my husband's pictures from Brazil and Peru. =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
According to the USTOA you can afford a much nicer vacation package this year than last.
Get a suite at the resort or a balcony cabin this time! Sometimes consumers can be discouraged by price alone, make sure you are looking at the total value of a vacation. Are transfers included, butler or concierge service? If you're tired of taking my word for it that awesome deals are available right now, check this out...
6/17/2009 - reports that the latest U.S. Tour Operators Association (USTOA) survey shows that tour prices have dropped an average of 20 percent this year, compared to 2008 prices on the same packages, due to the tough economy and a stronger U.S. dollar. The USTOA survey found that 60 percent of consumers said tours and vacation packages offer more value for the dollar.
(Credit: USTOA)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Great Travel Quotes
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” ~ St. Augustine “The first condition of understanding a foreign country is to smell it.” ~ Rudyard Kipling “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” ~ Henry Miller “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness. ~ Ray Bradbury | | ||
“All the pathos and irony of leaving one’s youth behind is thus implicit in every joyous moment of travel: one knows that the first joy can never be recovered, and the wise traveler learns not to repeat successes but tries new places all the time.” ~ Paul Fussell “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” ~ Mark Twain “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” ~ John Steinbeck “No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” ~ Lin Yutang
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Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen. ~Benjamin Disraeli “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” ~ Henry Miller “To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” ~ Freya Stark “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” ~ Miriam Beard
“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” ~ Martin Buber
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“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” ~ Jawaharial Nehru “A wise traveler never despises his own country.” ~ Carlo Goldoni “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” ~ Paul Theroux “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson “Two roads diverged in a wood and I ~ I took the one less traveled by.” ~ Robert Frost “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu | |||
“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” ~ Charles Dudley Warner
“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” ~ Lao Tzu “If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” ~ James Michener “The journey not the arrival matters.” ~ T. S. Eliot “He who does not travel does not know the value of men.” ~ Islamic proverb | |||
“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” ~ Tim Cahill “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu “Not all those who wander are lost.” ~ J. R. R. Tolkien “Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” ~ Maya Angelou | |||
Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe” ~ Anatole France “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” ~ Seneca
“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” ~ Jack Kerouac “I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.” ~ Lillian Smith “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” ~ Mark Twain “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” ~ Aldous Huxley | |||
“Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made more clear. Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of, giving to it the sharp contour and meaning of art.” ~ Freya Stark
“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” ~ Samuel Johnson “The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.” ~ G. K. Chesterton I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep ~ Robert Frost | |||
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Now is the time

I am returning to updating the blog after about 3 weeks of helping my little one recuperate from tonsil and adenoid surgery. Well it was more like making sure he didn’t jump off the counters or swallow something to send him back to the hospital since he didn’t seem to realize he needed to be still… By the 2nd day one would never have known he had any surgery. He did amazingly well, was ready to eat real food and jump off anything as usual…while taking painkillers. I think he must be an alien with an endless supply of energy and no need for sleep. (Ever wonder why my posts are frequently in the wee hours?) I still have all the popsicles, pudding, applesauce and soft stuff they recommended we get for him. He wanted “lots of food” as soon as the anesthesia wore off. Some parents report a month of absolute hell after this procedure so I am truly grateful he returned to normal so quickly. Aside from being compared to the Exorcist by the nurses when he awoke from the anesthesia and tried to rip out the IV, he was a model patient and back to my happy little guy within a day. (He is strong as an ox and they didn’t expect it to take 2 people to hold down such a little person) We were so worried about putting him through surgery at such a young age and felt the biggest sense of relief when it was over. We are so blessed to have such a resilient and healthy child.
Back to the travel… while my schedule was a little crazy during this time I took the opportunity to brush up on supplier offerings, attend some ‘virtual’ trade shows and training. A little time away gave me some perspective on where Great Scott Getaways was headed and where I want to go in the future. One of the best workshops I did was the annual Sandals refresher. The theme was “Now is the time”. I left feeling so motivated and full of positive energy. I’ve decided it’s time to quit treading water and swim! (Well, it could also be due to the nonstop childrens programs and books last month also, but whatever it worked! Dora and Diego are pretty motivating too)
Last Sunday’s Parade magazine also had an interview with the CEO of McDonald’s. I cut out the following quote and tacked it to my bulletin board.
“I always tell people to chase your passion, not the money. If you love what you do and work hard at it, add value and differentiate yourself, you will be successful.”
Of course we all know this consciously, but do we really believe it and apply it? One of the things I always notice first is a supplier’s commitment to customer service. The attitude of those you encounter on a cruise or at a resort will be the stuff of your memories. A positive attitude can do wonders for you and those around you. We’ve met people at the drive-thru that just make you want to pull them through that little window and others that make you drive off with a reciprocal smile. Why? Each of them is selling the same burger. There’s also the fancy restaurant that uses the ‘best of everything’ but feel so cold you’d rather go back to Olive Garden? If the luxury is there, why does the experience fall flat? They’re missing the passion.
Passion for guest satisfaction is what sets the great cruises and resorts apart from the pack. You may or may not have the top of the line 10k count bed sheets, and 50 head shower, but does your room steward smile, or the waiter respond with an ‘of course!’ to your request?

I’ve decided it is time to start remembering why I love travel so much. It is not that I can help people get great prices; it’s because I love to help people create great experiences.

Friday, May 15, 2009
Rates are also awesome to entice travelers to come low as $89 pp/pn at Real in Cancun and Playa del Carmen. .
Saturday, May 9, 2009
There has been an overwhelming amount of negative media coverage reported these past few weeks and we are sad to say that the majority of reporting is considered to be a lot of hype and misinformation.
It is very important to understand and focus on the facts under these circumstances and our goal is to help you do just that.
The Facts:
According to Mexico’s Health Minister, José Angel Córdova, of the 159 deaths reported during the flu outbreak in the country, only 16 were confirmed to be associated with the swine flu.
Only 10% of the number originally stated by the media
Population of Mexico City: 26.7 million people
Relative percentage of people infected in Mexico City: 5 ten millionths of one percent
The United States reports 38,000 deaths per year to the regular flu
According to Quintana Roo State Secretary of Tourism, no fatal cases of influenza have been reported in the main tourism destinations:
Cancún, Riviera Maya, Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Riviera Nayarit and Huatulco
The BBC has reported the influenza is in decline, according to Mexican Health Minister, Jose Cordova.
CNN reports, the health alert drop in Mexico City is a sign that Mexico City is successfully overcoming the influenza and the preventative actions taken are producing positive results, states Mexico City Mayor, Marcelo Ebrad.
The World Health Organization is NOT recommending travel restrictions. Scientific research indicates that restricting travel will be of limited or no benefit in stopping the spread of disease, according to the WHO.
CNN’s travel expert, Peter Greenberg states the H1N1 reporting has been blown out of proportion and has created an unnecessary ‘abundance of fear’.
Watch the interview here.
Listen to what guests currently in Mexico are saying:
“If you watch the national media, you are misinformed.”
“If you're thinking about coming to Mexico, the rates are down, the airfare is cheap, so get down here before the rest of the country finds out.”
Even with the negative reports, Mexico tourism remains active and all restaurants, cafes, libraries, museums, churches and archaeological sites are open.
While some airlines have reduced scheduled flights to Mexico, we would like to point out that tour operators such as Apple Vacations have maintained and will continue to maintain charter flights to Mexico. Their current $99 flight special in combination with our Spring Escape promotion - 55% savings, resort credits and kids stay free - is just something your clients can’t pass up. It’s actually the best time to travel.
Am Resorts operates Zoëtry Wellness & Spa Resorts, Secrets and Dreams Resorts & Spas. This is a public relations effort I applaud! Of course, they have a vested interest in promoting tourism in Mexico, but it is so nice to see some facts to put the numbers in perspective.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
H1N1 part 2
They also noted that people aren't walking around with masks on and freaking out like we are here. Those just returning from trips are raving about what a great time they had with resorts at only 30% capacity. The service was over the top, pools and beaches are not crowded etc. If I could go right now, I would definitely be there.
Those that have chosen to change their plans seem to choose Aruba or Punta Cana as alternates. Cruises are also a favorite summertime vacation, but with the numerous 'kids stay free' promotions all-inclusives are pricing very competitively this summer for families.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Swine Flu Fever
I have counted my blessings that this does not affect any of my current clients' itineraries, so I have not received one call about it! Thank goodness, because I happened to be sick and could barely talk. No matter what I said I am sure it would not have sounded very convincing since Cancun was my last trip. Never mind that was almost three months ago...CNN seems to think if you have ever thought about Mexico, been in a school or public place you are possibly infected. Can you tell I am a bit irritated?
The media coverage has just been unreal surrounding this! I have always looked at the media with a critical eye by training (my former career before travel was public relations) and lately they have just made my blood boil. The facts of this virus are buried beneath alarming headlines and dire warnings. Irresponsible reporting has been the real epidemic in my opinion and it has reached epic proportions the last year. Today I read in the AJC that Cancun was the epicenter of the outbreak. Really? Thought that was Mexico City. Do they realize that there are more cases in the U.S. than Mexico now? Are we now advising travelers to avoid New York? I monitor news updates from reliable sources who are not seeking ratings to get the most accurate information and still make sure to add a little common sense to that. I have yet to see the CDC advocate face masks as an everyday precaution. (But boy, those mask manufacturers must be doing a happy dance right now) The precautions they do suggest are things we should do anyway! Namely, wash your hands frequently. Use sanitizer, stay away from other people if you are sick. These simple little things will go much further in preventing infection than panic. You would be amazed at the number of people who know they are sick, yet go on about their day because they don't want to ruin their vacation or miss out on their cruise. People with some kind of bug are always around, not just when there's a catchy name for the virus of the moment.
Now that cruise lines are altering itineraries I am getting nervous, but not about the flu. Not everyone has decided Mexico is purgatory and some do look forward to specific ports of call on their cruises. I also feel for the local communities that depend so heavily on tourism. The faltering economy, drug violence at the border (another example of sloppy reporting) and natural disaster have already done a number on tourism. Real people depend on jobs that depend on tourists. We don't travel, they don't eat. I hope this will blow over soon once the next big thing in news comes along.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!
According to the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism, the region boasts the largest concentration of Green Globe certified resorts in the world.
I am particularly impressed at the efforts of Sandals and Beaches properties, which are all Green Globe certified.
When choosing shore excursions, try to look for activities that do not harm the very environment you are enjoying. Some areas do not encourage jet skis or water skiing to protect the fragile coral reefs and sea life. The Riviera Maya area near Cancun offers many excellent activities outside of Chichen Itza that showcase the lush jungle and archaeological sites surrounding the resorts. (Xel-Ha, Tulum, Xcaret) There's so much more than partying!
Buy local products and craft souvenirs whenever possible. Sure those 3/$10 t-shirts from China are tempting, but something unique will bring back great memories of your trip later.
Eat local food. OK, this may be difficult for some, but at least stay away from MacDonald's. Just as we should support local farmers at home, support those in the countries you're visiting. (Where do you think those patties are coming from when you don't see any cows?) I bet you'll be surprised at how many fruits and vegetable varieties seem exotic to us, but are staples in other countries...and you just might like it.
It seems to be a little harder to cruise green, but Holland America has made a commitment to do what they can from using low flow toilets to non-hazardous cleaning products.
If you have some other tips, or tourism companies that you feel do a great job protecting the environment comment and let us know!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Family Friendly Travel
As you're starting to look forward to summer break and family vacations take a look at some trips you may not have thought of. The first thing that usually pops up for families with young children is Disney world or other amusement parks. I do sell Disney packages as well, so I'm certainly not bashing them, but many parents have not thought of bring their kids to the Caribbean. When you add up the cost of food and everything you'll spend, most of the time it's comparable to an all-inclusive or cruise...and there are no line mazes!
Most cruises, resorts and large hotels offer daily activity programs for children. The particulars will vary, but in general most will have qualified staff supervising and leading children in activities related to the destination. They'll have fun learning about new animals, the ocean and other cultures all while you kick back with a nice tropical cocktail. The price of these is most often included with your rate.
Some of my favorite kid's programs include:
Norwegian and Carnival Cruise Lines: Their program starts with 2 year olds and they change diapers! The other major lines do not. Kids are divided up into age appropriate groups to keep everyone interested.
Dreams Resorts: Their program runs until 10 p.m. for kids 3-12.
Movies on the beach and rock climbing are also fun for everyone. This summer some of their properties are offering kids free!
Beaches Resorts: They have partnered with Sesame Street and Crayola offering shows, character visits and activities the young ones are sure to love. The nursery is even available with US certified nannies for babies. For the older set they offer 'night clubs' and the Scratch DJ Academy.
These are just a few of the kid-friendly vacations out there. If you have a specific hotel or destination in mind let me know.
While you will have a blast once you reach your destination I do recommend packing plenty of patience in your carry on. About the only thing TSA is consistent on is being annoying. I hate to say that because I do have a friend who works there, but airport security can be daunting for a parent.
Check here for current regulations
Arrive early and pack lightly, but be prepared. I usually stock up on some dollar store toys before a trip. That keeps my son busy with things he hasn't seen before. I might even bring some snacks he doesn't usually have for when times get rough. Flight attendants are usually great at offering extra plane snacks to kids too. Your stroller will have to go on the x-ray machine, so keep that in mind when deciding between the umbrella and the big one. If you have a little one, just use a carrier instead. (I've had a patapum and a maya wrap) I also found one of those document holders that goes around your neck invaluble for the 10 times you get asked for your ID and tickets. No need to fumble in your pockets or back while trying to keep a hand on a little one.
Atlanta has a mini toddler playground in the Delta concourse to burn off some energy before your flight.
Make sure they are drinking something during takeoff and landing and bring Tylenol just in case they still get an earache. My 3 year old had been on lots of flights but has only had one big meltdown. Just like in everyday life with babies and toddlers sometimes it's unavoidable and you just have to grin and bear it. I have noticed that those with small children who were obviously nervous and very anxious had kids that just cried louder the more they shushed them. Figure out what it is and the meltdown will probably last a few minutes instead of an hour. Most people are understanding and won't give you the evil eye for the entire trip like I feared.
When it Rains it Pours!
I completely stopped recieving mail and after a long talk with the post office found out someone mistakenly directed my mail in the postal system computers 'return to sender'! I had no idea it was that easy to comletely screw up someone's mail. Apparently things don't even go to your local office before being rerouted anymore. It's all computerized. A wrong keystroke by an employee entering someone else's forwarding or mail stop order can send your things clear across the country without you ever knowing the difference. I had no idea that the postal system was even that advanced. Reminds me of that scene in the movie Eagle Eye where the packages were rerouted by the big computer. I thought only FED EX and UPS tried to be efficient =) Who knew the government could too!
My ISP, AT&T decided to have a problem communicating with other servers at the same time this week. In particular I could not send or recieve anything from hotmail addresses. This then spread to emails coming from GSG as well as my personal address. As of today it looks like all of the problems are fixed. Now I'm going to enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
If you sent me anything recently that was not replied to or recieved any returned mail please let me know. Most likely I never got it. I always respond to e-mails within 24 hours or you'll get an away message.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Good, The Bad and The Excellence!
I just returned from an anniversary trip to Cancun. Since I have always focused on cruises and island getaways, this was an opportunity to get to know a new destination. We have been to Mexico a few times on cruise stops, but a little stomach trouble in Merida a few years ago has kept me from returning to experience the great all-inclusive resorts here. We were both quite nervous about getting sick and brought every over the counter medication known in the US with us. What a waste! We ate like pigs and never needed any of them. After a day or so, we stopped being so meticulous about bottled water and ice etc. and just ate and drank everything in sight. In hindsight, I did eat at a restaurant in Merida way off the beaten path in an area not frequented by American tourists knowing I have a sensitive stomach so I should have known better.
We both wish we had come here a long time ago and will definitely be back! I have decided to take some continuing ed courses to learn even more about the accomodations and activites offered in Cancun. There is something in Cancun and the Riviera Maya area for everyone. The long-standing reputation as party central for spring breakers and Girls Gone Wild is an image the area is actively seeking to shed. There are so many hotel options for families, singles and those seeking quiet retreats that the trouble won’t be finding a great resort, but choosing which one to start with! The airport is modern with so many direct flights from popular gateways it’s an easy weekend getaway. Airtran just introduced direct flights from Atlanta, joining Delta and Spirit.
We started with a resort in the hotel zone expecting to take full advantage of our first childless vacation in 3 years and party in the clubs till dawn. Guess what, we didn’t make it to one! We just used the public bus to sightsee, go to the flea market and shopping areas in the daytime. The bus runs all night is only 6.5 pesos. So, if you do make to the dozens of clubs there is easy reliable transportation back to your hotel. Cancun reminds me of a clean Miami. There are plenty of timeshare hawkers and people hustling you at every turn in the main club area, but I never felt unsafe. Just make sure you head straight out the doors of the airport when you land to ground transportation if you don’t intend to attend a timeshare presentation. They have desks there that pretend to be shuttles to get you to listen to the spiel. Some people enjoy going to those things, I do not.

We then went to the Excellence Playa Mujeres to end the trip with some R&R. When I tell you this place blew our minds, it doesn’t even come close to describing how great this experience was. From the moment you arrive at the resort gates you are pampered. The food was excellent at each of the restaurants we tried, every bartender was top-notch and the rooms were immaculate each day. This is one of the few properties that I have seen where the brochures accurately reflect the resort with no ‘creative photography’.
My husband was very skeptical about trying an all-inclusive resort. We went back and forth for a while about this, but I have had such a great experience at Sandals previously that I thought he would love the experience as well. I was prepared for everything to be compared to the cruise, however. Well, let me tell you that once we arrived here he never mentioned the word cruise again! One distinct advantage of Excellence above some other all-inclusives is the consistency of luxury and service across all room categories. All suites have an enormous furnished balcony with a great view, spacious sitting area and an indoor/outdoor Jacuzzi.
Even with, spotless suites, delicious food and a great beach; a resort is still only as good as it’s staff. Excellence did not disappoint here either. I am not exaggerating when I say these were some of the friendliest people I have ever met. Now, that is one area I can be very picky about. I don’t care if I’m at Motel 6 if the front desk is nice and the room is clean. I would rather stay at Days Inn that a Ritz-Carlton if the staff is snooty and unresponsive. (The other resort we went to in Cancun is supposedly a 4 Diamond leading hotel, but I would not even send my mother-in-law there if it was free.)
There is just enough activity here to keep you as busy as you want. The shows were enjoyable each night. My husband does not drink and still talks about how much variety there was at the bars. There is a fresh smoothie and juice bar, a coffee bar and each bartender knew quite a few things to keep him busy other than the ubiquitous pina colada. I of course can attest to the quality of everything else at the bar =) Overall if you’re looking for a relaxing, romantic resort that is not too far away from Cancun this is the perfect place. Excellence also has resorts in the Dominican Republic and another just south of Cancun and is also building a resort in Jamaica. I don’t know what I’ll do when I have to choose between Sandals and Excellence.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
5 Reasons Not to Use a Travel Agent
A travel consultant is not your best bet if you want...
1. The cheapest options
If your goal is to put together the least expensive trip possible, don't call a travel consultant. While budget travel is the best way for many people to fulfill their dreams of seeing the world, I have no expertise in recommending one 100€ Paris hotel over another. Online forums such as fodors and tripadvisor are ideal venues for feedback from other travelers.
2. Airline tickets only
Because airlines do not generally pay commission anymore, many travel consultants do not even book air. As travel agencies are actually charged a fee to ticket a flight, that expense — along with compensation for the time involved — has to be passed onto the consumer in the form of a service fee. The least expensive way to book air is, first, to use a comparison booking engine such as ITA Software. Research your best options, then book directly yourself on the airline's own website to avoid service fees. I will gladly provide air if you want a hotel + air package to Hawaii, the Caribbean, Mexico, the South Pacific, etc., but for airline tickets alone... I don't do air ™.
3. Single components of a trip (e.g., a one-day tour, a restaurant reservation)If you've already booked your own hotel rooms for your upcoming trip, don't call a travel consultant asking for a single restaurant reservation or a suggestion for a one-day tour. There would be a charge for this service. Your best bet: email the concierges of the hotel(s) in which you will be staying.
4. B&Bs or run-of-the-mill hotels (such as those of a mid-priced chain)It's largely economics. B&Bs generally do not pay commissions at all, and you can research and book them yourself online. The commission on a one-night stay at a budget or moderate hotel room does not pay for the time a travel consultant spends researching the possibilities, discussing them with a client, making the booking, invoicing the booking, and then chasing the commission when it doesn't get paid. But most significantly, mid-priced hotel chain rooms are commodity items. There is no added-value that a travel consultant can provide.
5. Redeeming frequent-flier miles or guest points
This is time-intensive work with no commission from the airline or hotel. Do you want to pay a travel consultant's hourly fee to wait on hold?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Air Jamaica Cuts Service to Atlanta
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Next Procrastinator's Special V-Day!
If you book before January 31 and stay 3 nights or more from February 1 - March 15 2009 you will receive a "Sandals with a Kiss" Package to celebrate Valentine's Day. It includes a bottle of sparkling wine,chocolate covered tropical fruits, special turn down service and keepsake photo of the two of you. (Remember Sandals is 'for couples in love', but I've heard some interesting stories of love rekindled here for couples that didn't arrive even in 'like'. =)
For the first two couples booking in a concierge category and above for 6 nights or longer you will receive an extra special bonus. Contact me at for details. The specials are valid for any resort in Antigua, Jamaica, Bahamas or St. Lucia. Sandals is not your typical cookie cutter hotel chain where each property or room is exactly the same. Let me help you find the best fit for you.
African Travel, Inc.
During their training last year the speaker was nostalgically recounting waking up to see a cheetah just outside of their lodge. I held my breath for a second, but other people oohed and ahhed. Ok, so it's not my cup of tea, but one day I promise I'll work up the courage. I am afraid of large domesticated dogs, so I have a long way to go there! My little one on the other hand is thrilled by all the beautiful pictures in their brochure and has taken to roaring like a lion at people. Maybe I should just send the two of them and let my dh know what it feels like to fly alone with a small child. He's wilder than the animals.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Do you know your travel style?
I try not to solicit friends and family, so sometimes they forget that I am a travel agent until they see my office. Since we really tried to focus on spending time with those dear to us this year instead of in the mall looking for things to buy them I got into lots of conversations about travel expectations and disappointments when people flipped through brochures or looked at pictures. The common thread?...lack of information and unmanaged expectations . I thought this would make a great blog topic to start off 2009.
One of the first considerations besides budget when making travel plans should be an honest assessment of your expectations and travel style. Even within the same budget there is a range of accommodations. There is no perfect fit for everyone. What is an ultimate relaxing retreat for one will be a snooze fest for the next person. Many people think if you 'only' have XYZ to spend there are few choices. There is always the 'so-and-so said that ship is full of old people (or partyers), type of person who refuses to try anything other than one certain cruise line. People also tend to think luxury means stuffy, or spending a certain amount ensures a certain standard. Trust me, luxury is very subjective term. What fits you for one vacation may change on the next one.
Of course working with a travel agent will help find the right fit for you and hopefully avoid that let down. When deciding what is important to you ask yourself the following questions:
- What do I want to do while on vacation? (nothing, golf, spa, beach, shop, sight see, tours, hike, etc.)
- What is a must have in my room? (will you go crazy if you're stuck in a room with no balcony? room service, robes, air conditioning in some areas)
- Do I want an Americanized experience at a large resort or prefer to experience local culture in a small boutique hotel?
- Do I like to dress up on vacation, stay casual or want the choice of both?
- Do we need child care options ? for what ages?
These questions are a good starting point to help us start to determine what destination is best for you.